Artificial intelligence for companies: what are they and what are chatbots used for?

More and more companies are using artificial intelligence chatbots in their marketing strategies or in their relationship with customers. AI is already very present in our daily reality and has important advantages in the field of business, marketing and the digital economy. Do you know what chatbots are and how they are being used? Learn keys and what services you can use to create them in this post.


What are chatbots?
When we talk about the definition of chatbots we are referring to one of the examples of artificial intelligence that more acceptance and use is having on the part of companies, especially in the field of electronic commerce, customer service or marketing services in Internet and social networks.

Talking with Artificial Intelligence is already a reality and, in fact, sure that if you have asked any questions on a company or service page, it is very possible that your questions have been answered by a chatbot that has filtered your queries to offer you a series of responses.

This Artificial Intelligence software is secret codes of android. It is increasingly being used by companies and social networks sites. Another use in which conversational bots is becoming more popular is in the Telegram instant messaging application, which was one of the first to bet on this service for business channels and media.

Do you want to deploy on WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger and Alexa? If so, you will have to keep in mind that some of these environments may involve additional expenses. Does it cost money to have a chatbot running on Facebook? Do not; but it does have it in whatsapp group links, given the working format of the official WhatsApp API providers.

There is large number of versions of android list, which are used in different ways.
Advantages of chatbots for companies
  • Glary utility allow you to automate responses that, due to their query volume, can be answered automatically.
  • They save personnel costs in call centre services and allow diverting those calls or queries that really need the attention of an operator. They optimize the time of the company.
  • They allow a permanent contact of the brand with its customers, one of the main claims of users to companies.
  • They promote the communication and reputation of the brand in their social media channels by offering their own consultation service through private messages or chat.
  • They respond immediately to the user about issues that affect the services offered by the company.
  • They are really useful when we talk about the use of new computer services or in the management of purchases or incidents in the field of ecommerce (electronic commerce).
  • Its evolution predicts that, in a very short time, chatbots will be used for much more than solving doubts or offering automated answers. This same study predicts that in 2020 four out of ten electronic commerce transactions will be made through chatbots.


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